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Mediation Skills for Managers

Mediation Skills for Managers

Is the growth of your company getting stunted by conflict among your staff? Do your Managers have the right communication skills to promote leadership and company growth in a collaborative and positive approach? 

No matter what kind of workplace you’re in, one thing is certain – when there’s conflict everyone feels it. Conflict increases stress, affects productivity, creates disengagement. Unresolved conflict is one of the TOP challenges in the workplace.

 Most managers just don’t know how to handle situations as they arise.  Not dealing with conflict makes it worse… the silence of it gets deeper, darker and destructive to the team.  Likely you’ve been there – you know how it goes.

“ A full 42% of a Manager's time is spent addressing conflict in the workplace.” - Watson C & Hoffman R, Leadership Quarterly

Mediation Skills for Managers’ is a workshop that helps target conflict in the workplace before it ruins your professional environment or costs you thousands in litigation fees. One of the most effective ways to deal with conflict is to facilitate a structured conversation that leads to fair resolutions. It’s about stepping back and engaging in a respectful and confidential discussion – not about erasing the past or determining who is right or wrong.

  • Resolve conflicts as they arise
  • Learn to facilitate effective conversations
  • Create an atmosphere of engagement and trust.

Workshops, webinars and coaching tailored to your workplace needs

Find Out How We Can Help You Today! Get Started!


Suzanne is an excellent teacher and coach for the experienced business executive who needs a refresher in selling himself and his product.

Brian Smith Vice President, Health Care Services, Cirus
Book Suzanne for WORKSHOPS and COACHING tailored to your staff and management.

She helps people SPEAK so others will listen, and LISTEN so others will speak.
The RESULT: improving communications ... one conversation at a time.

Contact Suzanne directly - suz@highborncommunications.com 416-414-6552